Friday 15 November 2013

African Demon Conclusion

My African demon conclusion 

For obvious reasons I was not allowed to call my demon character Dee Mareewanna Demon, so I have decided to name him after an African demon called the TIKOLOSHE. 


Tikoloshe (or Tokoloshe) is an evil-spirited gremlin in Zulu mythology. A shaman may send a Tikoloshe to vex his enemies, causing anything from harmless fright to illness or death. Tikoloshes are described as short hairy humanoid figures that can render themselves invisible by swallowing a pebble - all the better to sneak up on their victims.  


(This is the demon that I have created for my animation) 


I have chosen this demon because I believe his description best fits the characteristics of my character, and since there are no real pictures of this creature I can twist the description to fit my own needs, also on the illustration above it features some very creepy long finger’s with sharp nail’s which I think shall be encorporated into my demon. 

I have also created my own tweaked urban myth for my character : 


Tikoloshe (or Tokoloshe) is an evil-spirited gremlin of African mythology. Tikoloshe are drawn to the like’s of dissobediant children and trouble makers, they have also been known to take the form of many earthbound speciesTikoloshes are described as short fat hairy handed figures that can render themselves invisible by swallowing a cookie - all the better to sneak up on their victims.