Thursday 27 February 2014

weekly update 2

Weekly update 2

This week i completed a series of animations, including :- my shop keeper scene, a few zoomed out stick figure skating scene's for my skate boarding scene in my animation, i also figured out that if you use alot of simple zoomed out shot's it make's it alot easier to get alot more done very quickly, i think i must encorporate this into my further animations.

By the end of next week i indent to have a good amount of my munblunko animation done i shall also be releasing some more images such as the one above, maybe even some scenes.

Friday 21 February 2014

Miss botswallow rotoscoped scene

Miss botswallow rotoscoped scene

More munblunko scenes people !!!! 
This Next scene is a rotoscoped piece that i did, it's a short clip but the mouth sync on it worked and i am very pleased with it, i created this using flash proffesional cs6 using a timeline intergrated flv video clip of me doing the motion i wanted, which was "nooo !!!" with me pointing at the camera, i then drew over this added assests and layers and coloured it in.

                                                 Miss Botswallow Rotoscoped scene

Thursday 20 February 2014

Weekly Summary 1

Weekly summary

This week i have started animating my scenes for my adventures of munblunko animation, i've also been developing some screen recordings of me problem solving in my work, this includes me finding the quickest easiest way's to create short quirky animations, and also how to quickly fully outline a rotoscoped animation.
                                                          Screen shots for animation

By the end of next week using the new techniques i have learned i plan to have at least 5 more completed scene and hopefully starting to put things together.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Munblunko Scenes part 1

Below are links to my munblunko scenes and pilot scenes, This first post consists of three scenes from my spider web scene First of all the web drop scene, then my face landing scene and my tikoleshe eye roll scene.

                                                             Web Drop Scene

                                                            Face landing scene(pilot)


                                                                    eye rolling scene


Thursday 6 February 2014

Munblunko segmented character conclusion

Segmented Character conclusions 

Throughout my first few module’s I have gone through a number of different processes to get to my current method, I started off on flash trying to create segmented characters and animate them frame by frame, but this method was to time consuming and difficult. 

Plus it was half way through animating that I realized I could edit the anchor point’s of my character body parts to create joint’s etc., after starting the whole thing again I then realized that it still take’s a lot of time, but I believe I have found a final idea that will work which has the same outcome but used a different programme. 

What I have done is created my figures in segmented parts in flash spread them out, took a screen shot and then pasted them into Photoshop made an alpha channel and but each piece on different layers, I shall then add this to after effects and re assemble it on there. 

Examples below : 
ImageText BoxImageImage  

Text Box 

Text BoxImage 

Text Box 
ImageText BoxImageText Box 
