Monday 28 January 2013

'Wildman' - Gas Powered $1.1 Mil - Kickstarter
Written by Charles   
Monday, 21 January 2013 02:33
An ambitious crowdfunding campaign has launched on Kickstarter. The project is an action oriented role-playing game called "Wildman" from Gas Powered Games in Redmond, Washington. They're shooting for $1,100,00 and with 25 days left in the campaign they're at $262,844 through 5.022 backers so far. Not a bad start at all considering GPG is at roughly 25% of the goal with only 15% of the campaign time passed. Here's a link to Wildman on Kickstarter.
The concept development art is excellent and GPG has a great track record and a large community. I expect this campaign to exceed the financing they're looking to reach as it's well worth supporting. Crowdfunding is changing the dynamics of project financing and altering the way that business is conducted in extremely beneficial ways for creative individuals and groups involved with intellectual properties. I'll be discussing this in depth as the campaign is followed on the Forum topic.

Here's Chris Taylor the founder of GPG to describe what the Wildman campaign is about...
'Wildman' - Gas Powered $1.1 Mil - Kickstarter
Written by Charles   
Monday, 21 January 2013 02:33
An ambitious crowdfunding campaign has launched on Kickstarter. The project is an action oriented role-playing game called "Wildman" from Gas Powered Games in Redmond, Washington. They're shooting for $1,100,00 and with 25 days left in the campaign they're at $262,844 through 5.022 backers so far. Not a bad start at all considering GPG is at roughly 25% of the goal with only 15% of the campaign time passed. Here's a link to Wildman on Kickstarter.
The concept development art is excellent and GPG has a great track record and a large community. I expect this campaign to exceed the financing they're looking to reach as it's well worth supporting. Crowdfunding is changing the dynamics of project financing and altering the way that business is conducted in extremely beneficial ways for creative individuals and groups involved with intellectual properties. I'll be discussing this in depth as the campaign is followed on the Forum topic.

Here's Chris Taylor the founder of GPG to describe what the Wildman campaign is about...
'Wildman' - Gas Powered $1.1 Mil - Kickstarter
Written by Charles   
Monday, 21 January 2013 02:33
An ambitious crowdfunding campaign has launched on Kickstarter. The project is an action oriented role-playing game called "Wildman" from Gas Powered Games in Redmond, Washington. They're shooting for $1,100,00 and with 25 days left in the campaign they're at $262,844 through 5.022 backers so far. Not a bad start at all considering GPG is at roughly 25% of the goal with only 15% of the campaign time passed. Here's a link to Wildman on Kickstarter.
The concept development art is excellent and GPG has a great track record and a large community. I expect this campaign to exceed the financing they're looking to reach as it's well worth supporting. Crowdfunding is changing the dynamics of project financing and altering the way that business is conducted in extremely beneficial ways for creative individuals and groups involved with intellectual properties. I'll be discussing this in depth as the campaign is followed on the Forum topic.

Here's Chris Taylor the founder of GPG to describe what the Wildman campaign is about...

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