Monday 29 April 2013


I have been using mathematics today to create a faster walk cycle ( a run cycle) i have posted a video below to show exactly how i did this, the conclusion really is that i took the frame rate on my timeline and cut it in half thus making the character to move twice as fast.

This is a screen shot of me tweaking the time line timeline

This is a screen shot of the model after the timeline split
And a shot of the character before i edited him

This is the character in mid stepat frame 10 of 17

Monday 22 April 2013

This is a quick character design i did for my E4 stinger project, i have decided since then i am going to just rotoscope over video playback of me soing the actions that i want in my animation.

                             Afro Bum Character Design

Thursday 18 April 2013

THIS IS BONKERS !!!! Pixar have used alot of sculptures of disney characters and placed them like a zoetrope and using strobe lighting made them animate CHECK OUT THE VIDEO !!!!!

(Link Below)

Monday 15 April 2013

Since the last time i have blogged I have done alot of life drawing, i have been creating a 10 second metamorphosis animation and i have now today been set the task of creating an E4 stinger for the E4 stinger competition i shall be uploading stingers and artists which have enspired me plus my progress on the current module and development work and art work from others.