Sunday 11 May 2014

Rose petal revolving bowl

Experimental 3D Animation on Cinema 4D

This animation i created using a grey scale gorilla tutorial (link below)
The tutorial teaches you how to create clones, step effectors and atom arrays, I focused my idea on the clone and step effector parts of the tutorial, you had to create a bowl shape and clone it and instead of creating it just how it was done on the video i tweaked it by just roating all the bowls back through eachother at certain angle's which gave me a nice spinning open reveal, i made a few versions of it, one of them was just the bowl shaped one that will be used for a future logo as the end shape looks like a chinese straw hat, the other one i made had a different kind of revolving motion and i also tried and failed properly mapping a red eye in the middle of the revolving object.

                                                     Revolving Rose Pattern

Red eye Pocodot


Clones, Step Effector, and Atom Array Tutorial for Cinema 4D

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