Monday 11 March 2013



Do you consider yourself to have a commercial style?
I have a style that can be applied towards various markets of commercial illustration.
Is the recurring face in all your paintings you? If so, could you be a modern day Rembrandt?
I basically see them as my alter ego. All my characters have a similar face for that reason. Their different but very much alike.
You were in a punk band called Lunacy for 10 years; Can you and do you still rock?
I loved playing in that band. I currently play mostly acoustic guitar but am still hopeful the band will get together for one last show.
Who are your favourite artists/illustrators alive today?
Too many to name but here’s a few. Matt Wilson, Phil Hale, Shaun Tan, Joe Sorren, Mark Ryden, Greg Simkins, Nathan Ota, Glenn Barr…
Which galleries have you shown at and which galleries would you like to show at?
I currently show at La Luz De Jesus, Gallery 1988, Roq La Rue, and M Modern. I’d like to show at Billy Shire Fine Arts in L.A. and someplace in New York. I’m not familiar with NY though so I wouldn’t know where to start.
Are you involved in any collaborative projects at the moment and is there anyone you would like to work with?
I’m working on a toy with Strange Co right now and I have a book that just came out with Murphy Design. I also have a Circus Punk coming soon.
What’s next in the pipeline for Bob Dob?
I have a show at La Luz De Jesus next year that I’m very excited about. I’m currently president of The Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles which is a lot of work.
Jim Auckland, Nathan Ota, Mark Murphy, Billy Shire and everyone at La Luz De Jesus.
Sega or Nintendo?
Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon?
You can see more of Bod Dob’s work at

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