Monday 18 March 2013

Chop Socky Chooks

          Chop Socky Chooks / Ninja Chimps
In my previous document I talked about how I liked the presence of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, for example I like the way their masks can portray certain emotions, and although their body structure would have been a bit too much to use,  that is why I have chosen the ninja chimps from chop socky chooks as my main guide line inspiration.

I like the waythe character is proportioned, long legs, slightly shorter arms and big feet and hands, not to mention the fact that there isn’t that much detail put onto the character, meaning lower polygon count which is good for creating multiple copies without to much memory being taken up, minimising software crashes and just making animating it just a little bit easier  because of simplistic yet effective body structure. 

I am a sucker for martial arts films and when I first seen this as a youngster I thought it was very eye catching, the animation on it is very well executed and the characters although simple are very effective, well animated and their character structure is well suited to the movements they need to accomplish.

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