Thursday 13 March 2014

Frog to Cadillac - metamorphosis

Metamorphosis – Evaluation

Overall I believe my animation went pretty bad I didn’t execute enough of the motions and movements that I wanted to add and I didn’t have time to complete it so I just made the best of a bad situation and tried using shape tween for the morph sequence but it ended up gong horribly wrong and I tried adding little explosions etc. to make it look better but I don’t think I achieved that, however my favorite part of my animation is the start bit where the frog catches the fly, it was the bit which I concentrated hardest on (which is obviously why its so much better than the rest of the animation.

Shape tweening

Shape tweening is a quick and easy way of morphing shapes on flash cs4 it has come in handy before but it really does have its limits.

The flaws of shape tweening

Shape tweening is really only a good thing to use if your morphing two shapes which are practically the same or the same size at least, however I used it to morph a frog to a Cadillac and it just mosaicked itself and re formed into the Cadillac in a way which looked majorly rubbish.

Animation Screen shots

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