Tuesday 18 March 2014

How i created my Rasta Kaleidoscope

Rasta Kaleidoscope  

ImageIn this document i'm going to tell you how I created my rasta kaleidoscope animation, it was really quite by accident that it happened, I was trying to create another version of my low poly shape composition, but ended up creating something much much better. 
(Situated above, screen shot of my kaleidoscope animation) 

  • First to create my low poly shape I first followed a tutorial by grey scale gorilla, (link shall be posted below to view that) 

  • I then selected a mirror tool from the Mo-graph menu on C4D, after fiddling around with the  mirror effects I lined my identical shapes up to form one big shape. 

  • After creating my shape I tried rotating it into it's symmetrical copy and it made some pretty crazy shapes, I then decided to mess with other settings and axis variations. 

  •  It wasn't until I recorded an animation using both the move tool and the rotate tool that I realised that when the two mirrored shapes are clashed into and straight through each other while connecting, it results in an outburst of patterns being formed and looking quite Fantastic if I do say so myself 

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