Thursday 3 April 2014


This Project Was very short and straight forward, the task was to create a 3 second clip for a company called DCM, the aim of the clip was to portray the emotions felt in the cinema, we did this by breaking the emotions down into word form and selecting 3 word's for example : shocked, scarred, angry.

This would then be incorporated into 2 different sets of footage a video and a piece of experimental 3D software, using after effects i took the dcm logo and created a mask around it so that when i added my 3d experimental work to it it was cleanly cut to the shape of the logo, i then added my video footage in the background and messed around with contrasts colours and also added some feathered gausian blur to the outter edges of my composition to draw concentration to the logo in the centre i created 5 different logo designs ( 3 Examples situated in the screen shots section below)

Screen shots

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