Wednesday 23 April 2014

End of year summary

End of year summary

This year I have had a great amount of fun, I may have overcompensated a little on my work load and mucked up my weekly work flow plans, but managed to pull some rather handsome pieces of work out of the hat, including a very colourful and interesting selection of new 3D animated isometric and symmetrical pattern morphs, plus a selection of experimental work which I used in one of projects for a company called DMC, the task was to create a series of unique moving 3d patterns which were to be masked onto the companies logo, as I got extremely positive feedback from my tutor after seeing my work and putting in all the effort, I am very satisfied that I produced some work with a touch of professional standard.

My year has been filled with tasks that have challenged me physically and mentally to push myself to a new level of understanding while animating, a good example would be rotoscoping and voice syncing in my Adventures Of Munblunko animation, I devised a simple way to fix my vocals and that was, to basically create a set of lips and just move them up and down while syncing up to my sound, if I had more time to complete it I would have, but I created an audio free version as I have not yet finished all my scene's so could not record my script over the top, however I am still extremely chuffed with the amount of work I have done on my own and to see that my working standard is starting to improve.

This two year course has been a great learning experience, I have met new friends, absorbed new style's, flavours and techniques and incorporated them into my practise, it's inspiring to see how other people react to the work I have produced and an absolute pleasure to have viewed some of the stunning compositions they have created, if there is anything I would like to improve on it would be my bad time keeping, it has effected my work flow a lot over the past few years and it is a thing that only I can put right, also I would like to continue developing further 3D work and follow on where I left off.

Overall I would like to say that I would definitely recommend the Newcastle college FdA Animation course to any young artists who are just coming up in the world, the amount of content and knowledge that you take in subconsciously from the course is phenomenal, and I plan to use these skills reach a whole new level in my next course.

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