Thursday 17 April 2014

Windsor McCay – Little Nemo

Windsor McCay – Little Nemo 

 For being way back in 1911 this animation is stunningly executed and an overall wonderful piece of animation, it is made with a traditional sketch and snap animating style, and he draws each frame  out freehand with such accuracy. 


I love the fact that the animation looks so surreal and Three Dimensional, it has been created with oil paints a black fine brush for line work and the colour has been blotted on to give the animation a more organic and alive feel to it, all of the drawings are crazily accurate and are drawn in a way that makes them look almost as if they were created in cinema 4D.  


I like this Scene where the prince materializes from lots of little black line’s and starts to stretch the Two characters, this must have taken quite some time to do, compared to now when you just add an effect to your work and it would replicate this process 


Dragon Chair 

The dragon chair that took the two queens away at the end was a lovely touch as the mouth opens it looks like a picture frame corner, but when it pans round they both sit down and it is actually a side view of a chair in the dragons mouth. 


For being from 1911 this is a ridiculously skilled piece of animation and something that I should try and aspire to, it really makes you judge yourself as an artist and want to strive to become better at your craft. 

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