Wednesday 9 April 2014

Jeff soto a short story + Aspirations

Jeff Soto


 Jeff Soto’s style developed from an influence of skateboarding, hip-hop and graffiti culture, cultures which thrive on individuals developing their own styles. This set of influences results in Jeff’s work being instantly recognizable, a feat that many artists seek their entire careers.

Soto’s latest solo show at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York City. (The show is on display until October 6th, 2012.) Entitled, “Decay and Overgrowth,” the show explores his recent musings on life and death after the passing of both his grandparents.


Soto sought out myth and the beginnings of time to help him overcome the grief of loss, an investigation that brought him closer to nature and human existence’s ever growing relationship with it. This body of work reflects - In Soto’s trademark style - those ideas of beginning, nature and renewal.



Jeff soto's story on how his style and his drawing are swayed by different emotional connections in his life is inspiring, it has lead me to aspire to the fact that maybe i should be putting more emotional content into my work to get the best result's, he is obviously a very skilled painter and i hope to aspire to his greatness one day with my own series of jeff soto style picture or graffitti one day.

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