Wednesday 16 April 2014


                                    DCM IDENT S.W.O.T

As projects go I think this one was pretty simple, I created all of my 3D objects in cinema 4D easy, with the aid of tutorials to help me create the effects that I wanted, those of them that I wanted to use were added into my compositions, along with video footage and put together very successfully I might add, there was the odd hiccup here and there but I resolved it and adapted, I have added a few more skills to my arsenal also, i've learned how to create an erray of different pattern's shapes and transitions in 3D software something which I never thought I could accomplish, and learned how to composite it into a composition in after effect's, and from there used new techniques such as vinnetting and gradient multiplying, if there was anything I would definetely improve on during this project if anything is my time planning, as currently as always I end up doing everything at the last moment because I have over catered my time on another project, but also I must expand my know how on 3D software so I can get the most out of it, and work on my after effects editing skills, as this would be a very helpful tool in many of my future ventures.

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